How to prevent favoritism in the workplace

How to prevent favoritism in the workplace

Favoritism in the workplace is an age-old problem that can lead to tension, low morale, and even lawsuits. Now, the question can be, “How to prevent favoritism in the workplace?”

While it’s not always easy to avoid, there are steps you can take as an employer to prevent favoritism from taking root in your organization. In this article, we will explore the issue of favoritism in the workplace and how you can prevent it from happening. From setting clear expectations to creating a culture of inclusion, read on to learn more about what you can do to keep favoritism out of your workplace. (Also Read: 7 Leadership Lessons from Barack Obama)

What is favoritism?

Favoritism is defined as the preferential treatment of one individual over another. In the workplace, favoritism can manifest itself in many ways, such as making decisions based on personal relationships rather than professional qualifications or giving preferential treatment to employees who are friends or family members.

Favoritism can create a hostile work environment and lead to feelings of resentment and jealousy among employees. It can also impact productivity and morale and damage relationships between employees and management.

To prevent favoritism in the workplace, managers should make sure that they are making decisions based on professional qualifications and performance, not personal relationships. They shouldn’t treat any employees better than others, and they should be aware of how their actions might affect others.

What are the signs of favoritism?

There are many signs of favoritism, but some of the most common include:

Giving certain employees preferential treatment in terms of assignments, workload, or access to resources.

Playing favorites with employees in terms of opportunities for advancement or training.

Showing more favoritism towards employees who are friends or family members.

Making decisions that benefit certain employees more than others.

Giving certain employees preferential treatment when it comes to disciplinary action.

What are the negative effects of Favouritism?

Workplace favoritism can have a number of negative consequences for both the employees involved and the organization as a whole. Employees who feel that they are being treated unfairly are more likely to experience negative emotions such as anger and resentment, which can lead to lower job satisfaction and productivity.

Additionally, favoritism can create an environment of mistrust and competition as employees jockey for positions with the favored few. This can lead to decreased morale and increased turnover.

Finally, workplace favoritism can be illegal if it results in discrimination against protected groups. Organizations should take steps to prevent favoritism in the workplace by establishing clear policies and procedures, communicating expectations to employees, and ensuring that all employees are treated fairly and equally.

How to prevent favoritism in the workplace?

Managers and supervisors should be aware of their own personal biases and make a conscious effort to treat all employees fairly. They shouldn’t favor anyone or make decisions that could be seen as special treatment.

Employees should feel free to speak up if they feel they are being treated unfairly. They can talk to their manager or another supervisor if they feel they are being unfairly passed over for opportunities or not given the same consideration as other employees.

An open and honest workplace culture is important to prevent favoritism. Employees should feel comfortable raising concerns about unfair treatment. Management should be responsive to these concerns and take action to address them.

Discrimination and harassment training can help employees and managers understand the impact of favoritism and how to avoid it. Such training can also help create a workplace culture that does not tolerate favoritism.

Be aware of your own biases and try to avoid them. We all have personal biases and preferences that we may not even be aware of. When making decisions at work, take a step back and examine your rationale for choosing one person over another. If you find that you are consistently favoring someone because of a personal bias, make an effort to correct this behavior.

Treat everyone fairly and equally. One of the best ways to prevent favoritism is simply by treating everyone fairly and equally. This includes things like giving everyone the same opportunity for job assignments and listening to each person’s ideas equally.

What to do if you witness favoritism in the workplace?

If you witness favoritism in the workplace, it is important to speak up. This can be a difficult conversation to have, but it is important to address the issue head-on.

Start by talking to your supervisor or HR department. They will be able to help you navigate the situation and determine the best course of action. It is also important to document any instances of favoritism that you witness. This will help create a paper trail should the issue escalate.

Above all, remember that speaking up against favoritism is not easy, but it is important. Your voice could be the one that brings about change in the workplace.


No matter how big or small your business is, it’s important to be aware of the potential for favoritism in the workplace and to take steps to prevent it. By creating a company culture of transparency and respect, you can create an environment where employees feel comfortable speaking up if they feel they are being treated unfairly. Setting clear goals for managers and evaluating their work on a regular basis can also help make sure that favoritism isn’t a problem at your workplace. (Also Read: 5 Best Tips for Successfully Maintaining Professional Behavior in the Workplace)

Also Read:  Leadership Lessons from Dennis Waitely: Insights from a Renowned Business Consultant
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