How Long Does it Take to Learn How to Ollie?

How Long Does it Take to Learn How to Ollie?

The ollie is a skateboarding trick where the rider and board leap into the air without the use of the rider’s hands. It is considered one of the most fundamental skateboarding tricks and is the basis for many other, more complex tricks. So, how long does it take to learn to ollie? The answer may surprise you—it depends on the person and their natural ability to learn new things. Some people may be able to learn an ollie in just a few days, while others may take weeks or even months. However, with practice, most people will be able to learn this essential skateboarding trick. (You may also Read: How Long does it Take to Learn to Sail?)

What is an ollie?

An ollie is a skateboarding trick where the skater uses their back foot to push off the ground and pop the board into the air. The front foot is then used to land on the board. Ollies can be done on any surface, but are most commonly done on ramps or in the street.

What Are the Various Types of Ollies? 

There are different types of ollies that can be performed, depending on what you want to do with the skateboard. The most common type is the “pop ollie,” which simply involves popping the board into the air. This can be done by jumping off the ground or by using an object to give the board some height.

Another type of ollie is the nollie, which is similar to the pop ollie but is performed without popping the board into the air. This trick is often used to get over obstacles or to perform different types of grinds and slides.

The last type of ollie is the fakie ollie, which is when you perform an ollie while riding backward on your skateboard. This trick can be difficult to master but looks really impressive when done correctly.

How Long Does it Take to Learn How to Ollie?

It takes most people several weeks to learn how to ollie. The key is to practice regularly and make sure you are using the proper form. Once you have the basic technique down, you will be able to start adding in more complex tricks.

How do I start learning an ollie?

Assuming you already know the basics of skateboarding, learning an ollie is relatively simple. Here are the key steps:

1. Start with your board in a ready stance, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight balanced evenly between them.

2. Bend your knees slightly and lean forward from the waist, keeping your back straight. This will be your “loading” position.

3. Place your front foot on the center of the nose of the board and your back foot just behind the tail.

4. Starting with small movements, jump upward while simultaneously sliding your feet forward so that they end up in the same relative position as they were in at step 3 (that is, with your front foot on the nose and your back foot behind the tail). Don’t worry about getting air just yet; we’re just focusing on the motion itself for now.

5. As you come down from the jump, quickly snap your ankles so that they pop upwards, propelling the board off of the ground. At this point, you should be getting some air; if not, readjust your feet until you find a position that allows you to do so comfortably.

6. As you land, gently bend your knees to absorb the impact and keep yourself balanced on the board. You can then bring your feet back into their original positions and get ready for another ollie!

What is it like to be Ollie?

In order to learn how to ollie, you will need a skateboard, a helmet, and knee and elbow pads. You will also need to find a good spot to practice. A grassy area with no obstacles is ideal. Once you have all of your equipment, you are ready to start learning!

What are The Benefits and Drawbacks of Learning to Speak Ollie?

There are some definite pros and cons to learning how to ollie. On the plus side, once you learn how to do an ollie, you’ll have the ability to do other tricks that require popping off the ground. Ollies also look impressively cool when done correctly. On the downside, they can be tricky to learn and require some patience and practice.


So, how long does it take to learn to ollie? It really depends on the person. Some people might be able to pick it up quickly, while others might need a bit more practice. However, with a bit of time and patience, anyone can learn this essential skateboarding trick. (You may also Read: How Long Does it Take to Learn to Ice Skate?)

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