what should a woman ask for in a prenup

What Should a Woman Ask For in a Prenup?

Marriage is a big decision, and you want to make sure it’s the right one. One of the most important things you can do is have a prenuptial agreement in place. This will help you and your fiancee figure out what each of your rights and responsibilities is before you tie the knot. In this article, we’ll outline what you should be asking for when you get married so that you’re fully protected. (Also Read: The Best Daily Devotionals for Women)

What are prenups?

Prenups are contracts that couples enter into before getting married. They can outline how assets will be divided if the couple splits up, and they can also set terms for child custody, visitation rights, and other issues that may come up when a marriage ends. While they’re not always necessary, prenups can help protect both parties in a relationship by ensuring that all agreements are made in advance of getting married.

What are the different types of prenups?

There are three main types of prenups: property, agreement on children, and separation agreements.

Property prenups
protect each spouse’s assets and rights in case of a breakup. This type of prenup is common in situations where one spouse has more money than the other and wants to make sure that their assets will be divided evenly should they divorce.

Agreement on children prenups
specifies how children will be raised if the marriage ends in a breakup, including who will have custody, visitation, and financial responsibility.

Separation agreements
are used when one spouse is thinking about leaving the other but doesn’t want to go through with a divorce. These agreements can cover everything from finances to who will live in the marital home.

What should a woman ask for in a prenup?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the details of a prenup will vary depending on the couple’s relationship and financial situation. However, some key things that may be important to include in a prenuptial agreement are:

1. The parties’ assets and liabilities
This includes specifying who owns what property, how much money each person owes, and any child custody arrangements.

2. Closure of any unmarried children
from either party’s inheritance If there are any children from an earlier relationship who are not currently living with either parent, it can be helpful to clarify their inheritance rights prior to signing anything.

3. Agreement on child support
should the parties divorce later This can help avoid future disputes over who is responsible for paying child support and potentially contribute to a smoother split.

4. Finances affecting the children,
such as college funds or inheritance plans. It can be helpful to have these matters ironed out in advance so that there are no surprises down the road.

5. Rights and responsibilities
regarding pets or other non-family members that may live in either party’s home. It can be helpful to specify who gets custody of any animals if one party moves out or divorces later on.

What are the benefits of having a prenup?

Prenups can have a lot of benefits for couples, including protecting their financial security and facilitating estate planning. Here are five reasons to consider getting one:

1. It can protect your financial security.
A prenuptial agreement can help prevent your spouse from financially exploiting you during the marriage. If you are the breadwinner and your spouse has assets, a prenup can ensure that they will not be able to take those assets after your divorce.

2. It can protect your estate planning.
A prenup can help you ensure that your property and assets will go to whomever you want them to go to after you die instead of being contested in a court battle. This is important if you have children or other relatives who may want to inherit your property.

3. It can improve the relationship.
A prenup can help preserve the relationship by ensuring that there is no ambiguity about how each spouse will receive assets in a divorce. Couples who have a prenup often report feeling more confident in their relationships post-divorce.

4. It can reduce stress
for both parties during a divorce. A prenup can help avoid any nasty surprises during a divorce and can save both parties time and money on legal fees.

5. It is not legally binding,
but it is usually followed by both parties. If both parties sign the document, it is more likely to be effective in preventing disputes later down the road.

What are the cons of having a prenup?

1. It can create more conflict in the marriage.

2. It can be difficult to modify if things change in the relationship.

3. It can be expensive and time-consuming to prepare and execute.

4. There is a greater risk of divorce if there is a prenuptial agreement and one party does not comply with its terms.

5. It may be unfair to one party if the other party gets more out of the prenup than they do.

What happens if a prenup is not signed?

If a prenup is not signed, the couple will be considered married under state law. This means that any property or money that was pledged to be used for the spouse’s exclusive benefit during the marriage can now be divided equally. If there are children from the marriage, their custody and visitation rights will also be determined by state law. If there are no children from the marriage, either party could seek legal custody of the children.


As you contemplate getting married, it’s important to think about what you and your fiancé want in a prenuptial agreement. There are many aspects to consider, such as how much money each of you will contribute financially, how often assets will be divided should something happen between the two of you, and whether or not child support is included. Whatever decisions you make, make sure they are things that both of you feel comfortable with; only then can a solid prenuptial agreement be prepared. (Also Read: How Should Dress Pants Fit?)

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